How To Boost Your PPC Quality Score and Save You Money?

Want to make your quality score on the money while cutting your ad costs?

John Mignano

John Mignano

The goal is your ad relevancy is automatically built-in to your PPC campaign.

What if your Quality Score is right on the money and you’re positively ecstatic about your bid costs?

Well, congratulations.

Or just maybe you want to pay attention:

  • Gain a competitive edge by increasing your Quality Score
  • Save money with lower minimum bid prices
  • Improve your PPC performance through relevancy

Let me show you how to get a competitive advantage with lower costs.

Quality Score is all about improving user experience by being more relevant and meeting their expectations.

If you succeed, the rewards are lower bid prices.

If you don’t, then your ball and chain are deactivated keywords and jacked up minimum bid prices.

Google defines Quality Score as “a dynamic variable assigned to each of your keywords.

It’s calculated using a variety of factors and measures how relevant your keyword is to your ad text and to a user’s search query”.

The exact algorithm is more top secret than Colonel Sanders 11 herbs and spices, but here are some ingredients of Quality Score:

  • Click through rate on Google (excluding Content Network)
  • Relevancy of keywords and ad creative
  • Quality and relevancy of domain, landing page and website
  • Historical account performance (based on CTR across all keywords)

As you can see, Quality Score is based both on relevancy and performance.

Relevancy is a must-have for account performance.

Think of your campaign as one happy family.

There has to be a close relationship between the keywords, ads and landing page for the unit to work as a whole.

Structure your campaigns with these guidelines in mind:

1. Research and select focused, short and long-tail keywords

For example:

If you sold accommodation, a short tail keyword might be ‘accommodation’.

An example of a long search term would be ‘gold coast hotel accommodation’ or ‘book 5 star hotels gold coast’.

2. Segment your keywords into tight, thematical ad groups (remember your ads are created per ad group.

Aim for tighter ad group and ads will be more targeted…

Eg. You could segment your ad groups by hotel name, star rating, location or feature. This will make it much easier to focus your ads.

3. Compose your ads based on each ad group theme, using relevant keywords within your ad text.

Eg. If you split your ad groups by hotel name, you’d be writing targeted ads for each hotel.

The headline could contain the hotel name, while the text could contain details such as features, location and a call to action.

For exampl:

Stay at the Gold Coast Hotel
Luxury accommodation in Gold Coast
7 nights for 5. Book online now!

4. Utilize a dynamic landing page for your destination URL, with the search terms included in the URL and throughout landing page itself.

Eg. Each hotel would have a landing page of its own, with the hotel name included relevantly in the content, as well as other pertinent details and of course – a call to action.

Follow the above steps and you’ll be super relevant in the eyes of both search engines and your users.

Your Quality Score will soar and your minimum bids will stay right on the money.

Quality Score doesn’t just mean great results for users, you can profit from it as well by harnessing it to slash your PPC costs.

Want to start reducing your costs now and hone your competitive edge by making Quality Scores work for you?

Do you think it’s worth it?

Now you know how to boost your PPC Quality Score and save you money, right?

If all this sounds like a time-intensive exercise for you, then don’t hesitate to get a helping hand.

15-Point PPC Advertising Checklist

Every second you’re not using this pay per click advertising checklist, you’ll kick yourself at how much money you’re losing…how much money you’re leaving on the table!

John Mignano

John Mignano

Your dollars don’t go a long way in buying advertising space.

Yet if you spend it creatively, you can get over ten times that value in newspaper or magazine lineage.

And it’s easy if you know how…

1. Does the ad follow the “Five-Second Rule”?

Can readers immediately figure out what you’re selling?

You really have only three seconds because it takes only two seconds for the option to leave your landing page.

Busy readers won’t struggle to figure out your pitch.

The Rule: You have a total of literally five seconds, so clearly show what you’re selling.

2. Does the headline make them read the rest of the ad?

The sole purpose of the headline is to drive the reader to read the rest of the ad.

This is not the place for a sales pitch, this is for creating a strong attention getting, interest arousing, kick you into action, you just gotta read the rest click here now!

3. Does it have an interest-arousing sub-head?

All ads – space permitting – should have a sub-head.

Sub-heads, in slightly smaller than the headline type, are the transition between the headline and the body copy.

This line also doesn’t sell the product…its only function is to further interest, hook the reader, and drive him to the body copy.

4. Make sure the first line of the body copy doesn’t sell anything, either.

The purpose of this line is still to keep the reader reading – that’s its only function.

You haven’t really hooked the reader until he passes this line, after which he has committed himself to read the rest of the ad IF it’s well written.

5. Do you make a smooth transition

A transition from the interest-arousing headline to the sub-head to the first line of the body copy which introduces the selling copy in the body of the ad?

This is the last crucial step in making sure your reader continues to read the rest of the ad.

In the body copy, you start to sell the response you’d like – usually to make the phone ring.

6. Is your offer clear?

Along with knowing what your product is, if you are selling directly from the ad, do readers know how much it is, and how and where they can purchase it?

Remember to let them know if it’s available directly from you and give a big phone number.

7. Does your ad make them want to buy your product?

Does your copy make it sound like it’s the best product in the world – one that will get the job done promptly – at the right price?

You’ve got to make your product sound good enough to stop them from going over to Sears and buying it there.

It’s a tough assignment for a few scribbles on a sheet of paper.

8. Does it make the reader want to rush to the phone to place an order or call for more info?

No, it’s not enough to just say it’s for sale!

You’ve got to coerce the reader into action. Remember, you’re working against reader inertia: a body at rest tends to stay at rest.

9. Does your ad show immediate benefits to the reader?

A product has features, but it’s the benefits the reader gets from the features that make him buy the product.

No one buys a fishing pole because it’s made out of fiberglass – that’s a feature.

People buy fishing poles to catch more fish – a benefit. See?

10. If you have room, can you show several benefits in a bullet list?

Bullet lists are easy to see and encourage fly-by readership. I like to offer three or four of our biggest benefits in this bulleted form.

11. Did you draft your entire ad to fulfill your ad objective?

If your ad works perfectly as planned, what do you want people to do?

If your objective is lead generation, your ad will ask the reader to call (write, or come in) and inquire.

This ad doesn’t sell the product, but sells the response you are requesting.

In this case you say, “Just call and get” and offer a free informational booklet relating to your product or service.

Or “Send for our FREE” Give readers a reason to call.

This is a two-step selling approach: the reader calls and gets your hard hitting sales package, then purchases the product.

With this two-step sale in mind, the entire ad is drafted around generating a call. 90% of the ads I create use this two-step sales formula.

If your objective is a direct sale – a one-step selling procedure that sells a product right from the page – it’s one of the toughest sales assignments you can give any copywriter.

It’s very difficult. But it can be done with a longer-copy ad.

With this direct-sell in mind, the entire ad must be drafted around getting a call and selling the product. It’s very difficult and I don’t recommend it.

It’s much easier just to make the phone ring with an inquiry – then YOU sell the product on the phone when they call.

12. Is your guarantee visible?

If you are selling your product directly from the page, make sure your guarantee stands out.

I put most guarantees in a small box with a graphic flourish on the top.

13. Is your phone number apparent from three feet away?

If the objective is to have the reader call – and it is in 95% of the ads I create for my clients – I make the phone number easy to see and readily apparent to someone standing looking at the magazine while it is laying on a desk.

14. Is your logo small enough?

That’s right, small enough.

Unless you run ads in just about every issue of the publication, your logo doesn’t need to be large – it’s not a selling feature and won’t increase your sales or inquiries.

If you do run ads consistently, it’s OK to bump it up a notch or two, to about the same size as your phone number.

Any bigger – while it may massage your ego – just wastes valuable selling space.

15. If it’s a direct selling ad, do you have a dashed box around your order coupon?

Why keep readers guessing?

Anyone who sees a dashed box knows they can order right from the ad.

Some readers need less convincing than others – when they’re ready to order a dashed box lets them know right where to go.

Said box also lets browsing readers know that there is an offer and a price to be found in the ad – and this fact will attract even more readers, especially mail order shoppers.

These good folks like to order through the mail.

Encourage them from their first glance at your ad with this striking graphic.

How much money you’re leaving on the table with your ppc advertising?

Internet Marketing 101

When you hear the term “internet marketing“, what do you think of?

For many, that term conjures thoughts of websites or spamming or search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. For others, it’s all about graphical design, writing fancy code or even affiliate programs. All of those answers correct, but the essence of internet marketing is much simpler.

At its core, internet marketing is about these things:

* Understanding the target market to which the product/service/cause you’re marketing will appeal
* Determining exactly how your target market interacts with the internet
* Positioning your content on the internet to attract the attention of your target market
* Collecting information about your target market (also known as “leads”) for follow-up and conversion into sales
* Design of offers or incentives to induce the desired actions from your leads

Since there is insufficient space in this article to give all of these topics adequate attention, let’s focus on just one specific topic with the realm of internet marketing: Email Marketing.

My best payoff has always come by focusing on permission-based email marketing. Permission-based email marketing refers to the practice of collecting information (including email addresses) from website visitors and communicating with them via e-mail with their direct consent. The “permission” aspect of permission-based email marketing is what separates legitimate email marketers from the spammers that everyone despises.

My love of email marketing is strong for one reason: It works very well. Email marketing has been much like a never-ending goldmine: It enables us to produce income on demand simply by sending a good offer to our list. When you have thousands of loyal subscribers – as we do – and you put a strong and compatible offer in front of them, income becomes nearly automatic.

However, the key to successful email marketing is the development of a legitimate trust relationship with your subscribers. If you opt to send your subscribers a request for purchases every single day, they will likely tire of your badgering and cease reading your emails altogether.

Alternatively, if you take the time to provide good content to your readers on a regular and frequent basis, you’ll discover that your readers take all of your emails far more seriously, and as a result your emails will be opened, read and acted upon with greater frequency. Essentially, email marketing is really an exercise in trust.

While there are many more aspects to internet marketing than just permission-based email marketing, email has definitely been the cornerstone on which our business is built.