Want to make your quality score on the money while cutting your ad costs?

John Mignano
The goal is your ad relevancy is automatically built-in to your PPC campaign.
What if your Quality Score is right on the money and you’re positively ecstatic about your bid costs?
Well, congratulations.
Or just maybe you want to pay attention:
- Gain a competitive edge by increasing your Quality Score
- Save money with lower minimum bid prices
- Improve your PPC performance through relevancy
Let me show you how to get a competitive advantage with lower costs.
Quality Score is all about improving user experience by being more relevant and meeting their expectations.
If you succeed, the rewards are lower bid prices.
If you don’t, then your ball and chain are deactivated keywords and jacked up minimum bid prices.
Google defines Quality Score as “a dynamic variable assigned to each of your keywords.
It’s calculated using a variety of factors and measures how relevant your keyword is to your ad text and to a user’s search query”.
The exact algorithm is more top secret than Colonel Sanders 11 herbs and spices, but here are some ingredients of Quality Score:
- Click through rate on Google (excluding Content Network)
- Relevancy of keywords and ad creative
- Quality and relevancy of domain, landing page and website
- Historical account performance (based on CTR across all keywords)
As you can see, Quality Score is based both on relevancy and performance.
Relevancy is a must-have for account performance.
Think of your campaign as one happy family.
There has to be a close relationship between the keywords, ads and landing page for the unit to work as a whole.
Structure your campaigns with these guidelines in mind:
1. Research and select focused, short and long-tail keywords
For example:
If you sold accommodation, a short tail keyword might be ‘accommodation’.
An example of a long search term would be ‘gold coast hotel accommodation’ or ‘book 5 star hotels gold coast’.
2. Segment your keywords into tight, thematical ad groups (remember your ads are created per ad group.
Aim for tighter ad group and ads will be more targeted…
Eg. You could segment your ad groups by hotel name, star rating, location or feature. This will make it much easier to focus your ads.
3. Compose your ads based on each ad group theme, using relevant keywords within your ad text.
Eg. If you split your ad groups by hotel name, you’d be writing targeted ads for each hotel.
The headline could contain the hotel name, while the text could contain details such as features, location and a call to action.
For exampl:
Stay at the Gold Coast Hotel
Luxury accommodation in Gold Coast
7 nights for 5. Book online now!
4. Utilize a dynamic landing page for your destination URL, with the search terms included in the URL and throughout landing page itself.
Eg. Each hotel would have a landing page of its own, with the hotel name included relevantly in the content, as well as other pertinent details and of course – a call to action.
Follow the above steps and you’ll be super relevant in the eyes of both search engines and your users.
Your Quality Score will soar and your minimum bids will stay right on the money.
Quality Score doesn’t just mean great results for users, you can profit from it as well by harnessing it to slash your PPC costs.
Want to start reducing your costs now and hone your competitive edge by making Quality Scores work for you?
Do you think it’s worth it?
Now you know how to boost your PPC Quality Score and save you money, right?
If all this sounds like a time-intensive exercise for you, then don’t hesitate to get a helping hand.