Number One Secret of Success in Internet Marketing is Targeted Traffic

There are literally hundreds of thousands of businesses on the internet competing for the same pool of patrons. Have you ever wondered what it is that sets the winners apart from the losers? The multi-millionaire internet marketing gurus apart from the little businesses striving to stay alive? It’s easy. The secret of success in Internet marketing is targeted traffic.

Many examples are floating around out there to illustrate the importance of targeted traffic, but since PPC advertising does it so easily why don’t we start there? When you launch a PPC (pay per click) advertising campaign you do it by paying each time a person clicks on one of your ads. Now, if you’ve set up your ads right the people who click on your ads are likely to turn into clientele and make the investment in your ads worth it. On the flip side, if your ads weren’t created carefully you are going to get random visitors instead of the desired targeted traffic. Those kind of people will not make a purchase, and all that money you spent on your campaign will be wasted.

Internet marketing without targeted traffic is a complete waste of your marketing budget. You’re going to be spending hundreds of dollars (possibly even thousands of dollars) on a campaign that’s attracting the wrong kind of people to your site. What are the wrong kind of people? Contrary to popular belief, just any traffic isn’t going to accomplish your goals. If your are attracting people to your website that have no interest in what your offering, you are not going to make any sales and therefore no profit.

When you get to the nitty gritty of it, isn’t the main goal of internet marketing to make your business grow? If your Internet marketing campaign isn’t accomplishing that, it probably isn’t because you’re advertising in the wrong places. PPC campaigns and SEO work every time. The trick is to make sure you’re advertising to the right kind of people. To do that you need to make sure you’re using the right keywords (the words people are going to type into their search engine query box when they’re looking for your products or services) and giving your business the right image.

The bottom line is, if you’re going to launch an Internet marketing campaign that will help you achieve your financial goals and make your business grow you need to stop thinking in terms of web traffic and start thinking about targeted traffic. Five targeted visitors that turn into clients are worth more than 100 random visitors with no interest in what you have to offer. Keep that in mind and you’re going to do just fine.

Learn more about targeted traffic and to know the secret of Success in Internet Marketing is financial goals. For more information visit

Hows To Get Your Affiliate Marketing Business Profitable?

Good News For Your Affiliate Business

John Mignano

John Mignano

This is a simple step not talked about often, yet it’s a very powerful affiliate marketing technique.

Definitely warrants an explanation.

Here’s how to get presell and review pages to effectively work for you:

Instead of sending traffic or potential buyers directly to a sales page (sales page can be your own or an affiliate offer).

What works a lot better is to know your affiliate network, you can then send a targeted audience to a well matched offer using a review page or a presell page.

What’s a review page?

Typically a review page reviews 2-3 products (can be your own or affiliate money offers, CPA offer, ClickBank offers, etc).

What’s a presell page?

A presell page highlights the main benefits of one product and presells the visitor on the benefits (i.e. a personal testimonial and/or story of how the product or system has worked for someone.)

The basics…

Step 1: Identify your target audience (prospective customer)

Step 2: Push the hot buttons of your prospective customer

Step 3: See a dramatic increase in sales

Affiliates are reporting encouraging results of higher jumps in their affiliate commissions after applying just one technique!

In fact, super affiliates have been using this secret technique to get 10-20% conversion rates… to instantly crush all competition!

And here’s the best important factor:

  • Doesn’t require a lot of work
    Doesn’t require a lot of time
  • Doesn’t require any expensive fancy affiliate software either

In fact, it is simple and straightforward…

And it’s one of the easiest and fastest way to SELL more of any product with minimal effort.

However, lots of affiliate abuse this technique with what’s become known in the industry as “flogs” or fake blogs.

Google is clamping down on the blatantly “created” pages and stories purely to get CPA traffic and commissions to the offer pages.

They are doing this through detecting multiple affiliate links on blogs (take note and be aware).

So, what do you need to do?

Well, you want a blog in a niche market you are choosing to target.

This is an absolute must…

This is why I use a blog and the reason I have a wordpress blog installed on a private server because Google loves blogs (with valuable content).

Of course blogs allows me to get a lot of organic traffic as well as cheaper paid traffic.

We have blogs in all of the markets we do business in, yet we use legitimate (non-made up) stories with multiple affiliate links rotated to get find the best converting offers.

Of course I recommend and use WordPress blogs to do this and there’s no rush either.

Constant and regular posting to your blog will always look better than hundreds of articles added in one week.

Take note from my blog – not a massive amount of info on here, just a constant and consistent flow of valuable content.

The key is to develop a content rich blog in a specific niche.

Again, we do this in all the markets that we do business in…

So from my experience blogs are the quick and easy way to effectively post content…

Review products and also presell products and offers as well.

In a nutshell, that’s hows to get your affiliate marketing business profitable.

Do You Use Google AdWords?

Why Do You Use PPC For Your Business?

John Mignano

John Mignano

Did you get into affiliate and Pay Per Click marketing because you enjoy working on your own schedule?

Answering to nobody but yourself, and doing what you want to do when you want to do it…

Doing business without heartache and headache of product creation or customer service?

And of course, there’s the make money aspect and lots of money, right?

You and I have a lot in common because it’s exactly what led you here today.

Trying to Convert Browsers To Buyers?

Do you have any idea how much time and money you are wasting trying to convert browsers to buyers?

Contrary to what many internet marketers say and what you may have been taught…

All the following are a total waste of your time.

You could call it ‘black holes’ of time:

  • Trying to convert browsers to buyers
  • Trying to influence people’s buying decisions
  • Trying to persuade or convince people to buy
  • Trying to Control people’s minds and alter their mindset to buy

All Buying Decisions Are… WHAT?

Contrary to popular belief, buying is not a rational or logical decision.

Really…it’s not.

People make buying decisions based on emotions…feelings.

That’s right. All buying decisions are emotional.

People buy on emotions FIRST and (logically try to) rationalize and justify their buying decisions with (their own version of) facts or reality.

Here’s Exactly What Drives People To Buy…

The #1 Buyer Secret Revealed.

All people in the world have desires and cravings for…what?

Do you know what the answer is?

You may think the answer is…

Desires and cravings for “products” (food, jewelry, cars, etc…)

Actually, it’s not.

Want to know what the answer is?

Desires, cravings and “lusts” are created by fantasies.

We desire and crave products based on our own fantasy or the perceived results of taking action…

It has nothing to do with products.

It has nothing to do with appealing features (what the product is and what it does).

It has nothing to do with benefits (what it does for you).

You buy products because you “fantasize” about HOW you believe they will fulfil your deep emotional desires by making your fantasies come true.

Fantasies are the result and outcome of advertising we’re exposed to as well as our own imagination.

People fantasize about so many different outcomes and it is important not to confuse features/benefits with FANTASIES.


PPC advertising is all about how to play the Google AdWords game

Benefit :

You can make money with Google AdWords and become rich


Perhaps you fantasize about being free, financially independent, impressing friends, driving the car of your dreams, buying whatever you want, etc…


Product Hoodia cuts your appetite


You can easily lose weight. You can quickly lose 20 lbs.


Perhaps you fantasize about looking and feeling great, wearing beautiful clothes that easily fit you, impressing friends, etc…

People ‘lust’ for anything they believe has the potential of making their fantasies come true.

The more time we spend ‘fantasizing’ about something, the greater the urge, drive and ‘lust’ to buy products we believe could turn our fantasy into reality.

Any product perceived in a certain way or positioned by marketing that succeeds in ‘matching’ a fantasy in the minds of buyers is going to sell like hotcakes.

People make irrational buying decisions because of their fantasies.

Here are a few examples:

The Really Overweight Woman

Example 1: An overweight woman holds a pair of pants she knows she cannot possibly fit into.

But you know what?

She’s starting a strict diet next week and will lose all the extra weight in no time and will be able to wear any dress she wants.

She fantasizes about wearing cool pants and standing in front of the mirror, rotating right and left.

She fantasizes about impressing her friends with her new sexy looks.

It feels real and it feels fantastic!

Cha Ching!


Example 2: The same overweight woman comes across the following ad…

Rapid Burn Appetite Suppressant (Weight Loss Pill)

She doesn’t “see” a weight loss bottle.

What she sees is…

“WOW! I can see my husband is attracted to me… desiring me as I walk past him wearing these sexy pants. It’s LOVE again! It feels fantastic!”

[It is the mind images and fantasies that speak louder than words…get it]

Cha Ching!

She buys the weight loss product.

It’s All About:

‘Buying’… Good Feelings!

And on and on it goes, as this woman buys products right, left and center.

The only reason she buys is because of good feelings associated with results she gets from fantasizing about what the product is going to do for her.

In other words, she’s paying a lot of money just because she’s feeling “good” fantasizing about extraordinary results.

Tap Into  The SAME “Pleasure Zone” of  Food  And Sex  And YOU Make A Fortune…

True or false?

That’s right people do get ‘high’ on shopping!

This is triggered by the release of a “feel good” brain chemical responsible for what is called the “pleasure zone”…

This pleasure zone lets you enjoy the best things in life, like food and sex.

Here’s what it can do for you:

  • Initiates your prospect’s buying sequence instantly
  • Reduces people’s resistance to buying to the lowest levels
  • Breaks down all their “defense” barriers
  • Makes customers unable to resist buying from you
  • Eliminates all obstacles in the sales process and burns all excuses not to buy
  • Puts any prospect in a hypnotic buying trance
  • Transforms any person to a ‘lustful’ buyer with an unstoppable urge to buy

And the best part is…you don’t have to exert any effort or use any covert black arts to sell.

  • You don’t have to motivate, influence or alter the mindset of prospects to make them buy

You don’t have to persuade or convince anyone to buy from you.

Prospects already have their own fantasy, they have done all the convincing and hard selling themselves by pushing their own “buy now” hot buttons!