How Landing Pages Turn Website Traffic Into Money?

What is a Landing Page?

John Mignano

John Mignano

A landing page is any page on a blog or website where traffic is sent specifically to get a certain action or result.

Think of a golf course…

Your landing page is the putting green you drive the ball (lead or prospect) to okay!

Once on the green, your goal is to get the ball into the hole.

Likewise, the goal of the copy and design of a landing page is to get the lead or prospect to take your desired action.

Here are a few examples of ways that landing pages are used with various traffic sources:

  • Traffic is sent from a pay per click (PPC) search marketing campaign (such as Google AdWords) to multiple landing pages optimized to correspond with the keywords the searcher used.
  • Traffic is sent from a banner ad or sponsorship graphic to a landing page specifically designed to address that target audience
  • Traffic is sent from a url or link in an email to a landing page designed to prompt a purchase
  • Traffic is sent from a blog post or sidebar link to a landing page that pre-sells affiliate products or encourages an opt-in to a sub-list.

In fact, the page you’re currently reading is a content landing page designed to organize many related pages around an overall theme.

10 Tips for Writing the Ultimate Landing Page

Do you have a deep-pocket for your online media budget?

Google Adwords PPC, banner ads on major news sites. We’re talking some sizable money to generate traffic and turn that traffic into customers.

Is a big part of your budget for landing page development and testing?

One question…is your business website using a series of landing pages?

In fact, are you planning to use even one landing page?

I mean let’s get serious here because all of the clicks, all of the costly PPC traffic is going to directed to your homepage, right?

Literally, you’re sending your valuable leads and prospects no where.

You’re basically dumped customers off at the front door with little direction or guidance as to how to take action.

Now just to be fair, literally any page of your site or blog is a landing page of a sort.

To my mind, every page should be optimized to move your visitor along whatever path towards a sale, a newsletter or blog subscription or whatever your goal.

Now for the purposes of this post, I’ll continue to explain why landing pages are used where your prospect initiated some sort of response to an ad.

This could be a PPC (pay-per-click) ad like Google Adwords, a banner or text ad, or even an email.

In this scenario, your prospect has initiated some sort of relationship with you.

Your landing page acknowledges this by providing additional information in the form of benefits/features with a clear path to the next step.

So let’s look at 10 key steps to writing and designing a landing page that will help get you the results you’re looking for:

1. Headline

Make sure your headline refers directly to the place from which your visitor came or the ad copy that drove the click.

Match your language as exactly as you can. (Close is good, exact is best.)

This way you keep your visitor oriented and engaged. This is by far the most important part of your landing page.

2. Provide a clear call to action.

Whether you use graphic buttons or hot-linked text (or both), tell your visitor what they need to do.

I use a minimum of 2 calls to action in a short landing page, 3-5 in a long landing page. Copy tests here will give you the biggest bang next to testing headlines.

3. Write in the second person

You and Your and the two most important words in the English language.

The truth is, no one gives a second thought about you, your company, or even your product or service except as to how it benefits him or her.

Over the years I’ve found the bigger the company the more time I spend rewriting their copy and content from We to You.

4. Write to deliver a clear, persuasive message.

You want focus and clarity, not to showcase your creativity or ability to turn a clever phrase.

This is business, not a personal expression of your art. (Every business coaching student hears me say this at least once.)

5. You can write long copy as long as it’s tight.

In reality, writing a long first draft is easier. The trick is to edit down than to try and pad up skimpy copy.

Your reader will read long copy as long as you keep building a strong, motivating case for him/her to act.

However, not every product or service will require the same amount of copy investment.

Rule of thumb: Think longer copy when you’re looking to close a sale.

Think shorter copy for a subscription sign-up or something that doesn’t necessarily require a cash commitment.

6. Be crystal clear in your goals.

 Keep your body copy on point as a logical progression from your headline and offer.

Don’t add tangential thoughts, ancillary services, and generic content that wastes your readers time.

Every digression is a conversion lost and a confused mind says NO.

7. Keep your most important points at the beginning of paragraphs  and bullets.

Most visitors are skimming and skipping through your copy. Make it easy for them to get the joke without having to slow down.

8. In line with #7

People typically scroll down and read beginnings and ends before they read middles. Make sure you keep your most critical, persuasive arguments in these positions.

9. Make your first paragraph short.

Short as in no more than 1-2 lines (that’s lines, not sentences.) Vary your paragraph line length from here.

It helps to create visual differences as it makes reading your copy so much easier. And no paragraph should be more than 4-5 lines long at any time.

10. Write to the screen.

Take a piece of paper and frame-out where your text, buttons, and design elements will go.

Consider how much of your content will be seen “above the fold” or at the first screen. You can still go long and have visitors scroll downward.

If so, you’ll want to make sure you repeat essential calls to action, make sure testimonials and other components are strategically placed so no matter where your visitor is, an ACT NOW link or button is visible.

Remove all distractions from your landing page.

This includes navigation bars, visual clutter, and links to other sections.

You want the reader focused solely on your copy, your supportive visuals, and the offer you’re making without being tempted to wander around the room.

Don’t ask for what you don’t need.

Ask for only enough information to complete the sale or the desired action.

This isn’t the time to conduct a marketing survey. Every question you ask, every piece of information you require will lower your response.

Assume nothing. Test everything.

These tips and techniques will get you started, but they just scratch the proverbial surface.

Design elements are critical, too as is color, images, layout as well as video, audio, and other interactivity elements.

The purpose is to more deeply engage the reader and boost response. They all merit a deeper look and testing where it makes sense.

How To Effectively Use PPC For Your Market Research

PPC Market Research To Target Audience

John Mignano

John Mignano

Now, before you even decide to open a Google account, let’s do what all good marketers must do…

Study the market trends, get to know your market and target audience!

Let’s say that you are promoting a ppc software business.

OK, I am going to walk you through the steps necessary to build a successful campaign around that service.

Let’s first start by investigating your competition’s market strategy with market intelligence.

Think of a keyword that you are interested and let’s get started with your market research using that term.

For example, we’ll start with a broad phrase and narrow it down from there; let’s use “ppc software”.

There are two steps you are going to determine to make sure your market is viable and how your competition stacks up in regards to consumer insights.

First, go to WordTrack Tool webpage and see how many times this phrase is searched for on WordTracker and Googles Adwords Keyword Tool.

There’s a live tab on how many times phrases are searched for in each respective search engine.

From the results you get a sense of how people are actually searching for your keywords/key phrases.

For the time being, I’ll make the general statement more is better because it means the demand is high…

Note: Where there’s high demand, typically there’s high competition; I’ll show you how to get a razor edge in the advanced training section later on!

Now let’s go over to Google and do a search for the exact same phrase.

Pay attention to the Sponsored Links on the right hand side where ads show up. You want to get an idea on how many display ads are shown for keyword you’ve selected.

Ten ads are shown per page (not counting the preferred ads that get shown up top just above the organic search results.

The number of these preferred ads shown may vary. Now click on “More Sponsored Links” to see more ads.

Go page to page and count how many ads there are for the keyword/key phrase you have chosen.

This tells you how competitive your market is for that keyword/key phrase.

It’s no surprise that our broad keyword results in high demand yet also has high competition.

You are just starting out in your campaign, you don’t have enough history of ad performance to compete in this market just yet.

Let’s refine your keyword and narrow down our market some more.

You can go back to your search result on WordTracker and use one of the less common searched keyword phrases such as “ppc management software” and repeat the process.

For now, I want to focus on “ppc management software” and do the same process for “software for ppc” to find out while your market becomes slimmer also does the competition.

You can definitely work with that.

Obviously, you can dig even deeper if you wish, it all depends on you and your market.

Next Step Is Setting Up Your Google AdWords

First, open up a Google AdWords Account.

Go to Google AdWords homepage and click on “Start Now”.

Choose “Standard Edition” which affords you more flexibility and control over the “Starter Edition.”

Next, select your language and the countries (or a more specific location if you wish) where you want your ads to be shown.

For example, you’ll use English and the United States or Australia, so make sure English is highlighted and that “Countries and territories” is selected before clicking on “Continue”.

On the next page, you’ll have the option of adding/removing countries where you would like to advertise.

Let’s stick with United States and Australia for now, so ensure United States and Australia are two of the “Selected Countries and/or Territories” and click on “Continue”.

Contact Us

Thank You. Contact Us To Grow Your Business Online Starting TODAY!

John Mignano

John Mignano

Web-SiteOptimisation is a strategic marketing business that specialise in helping all size businesses integrating offline and online systems.

The key to success is in implementing the right mix of marketing strategies with time management systems.

Do you want to align your business with a select few savvy, proactive, confident, successful and positive forward thinking businesses?

Business-ad-ventures assists you the business owner by developing strategic systems for “relationship marketing ” that will engage and enhance customer experience to smooth the progress of fast growth in any economy.

Every website we build for you is set-up to effectively use local, national or international search marketing to attract the most qualified prospects.

Do you want direct response websites that clearly identify and communicate effectively to your ideal clients?

Do you want websites that are effective lead generation machines?

The question is do you want to turn your business into a moneymaking lifestyle vehicle that can give you the freedom in less time with less work?

Integrated Online and Offline Specialist skills include:

* Set-up an “automated” effective strategic marketing system
* Highly focused lead generation and email follow-up systems
* Continuity programs, membership and event marketing programs
* Direct response websites, direct mail and copywriting
* Product creation and product launch systems
* Business development and fine tuning sales systems
* Implementation of web based applications and e-commerce
* Implementation of effective customer relationship marketing (CRM), web 2.0, social networks, blogs, video, mobile applications
* Implementation of proper distribution channels to enhance business performance

This is a unique opportunity to let us help you grow your business online using the latest most powerful Internet marketing strategies that will put you miles ahead of your competition.

We Align With YOU If You Are Focused and Committed To Growing Your Business…

If you’re a proactive business owner who wants to keep up-to-date and plugged into tested and measurable marketing results, sales and business boosting strategies, we will help you improve your profits.

Typically, our clients are savvy medium to large enterprises (5 to 100 employees) who do not have dedicated in-house marketing specialists.

By using a comprehensive strategic marketing audit to uncover your hidden or untapped assets, you can refine, tweak and polished to create competition crushing and predictible profit opportunities in your business.

Nothing is left to chance, because of the tactical and strategic structures of your business adds significantly to your bottom line in a very short time.

These are some of the money making strategies:

* How to manage your business more efficiently
* How to streamline resources with seamless technology
* How to get customers to schedule appointments online
* How to increase your profit margins
* How to get more business referred to you by your existing customers
* How to cost effectively generate more qualified and interested leads
* How to increase the conversion of leads into buying customers
* How to get more money from each sales transaction
* How to keep your customers coming back to do business with you
* How to get profitable results for longer periods of time
* How to manage your time and tasks more effectively
* And much more…

To make sure the you learn the marketing equation, let’s firstly determine your goals and commitment, it’s important that we know more about your business activities and the vision you have for your better business life.

You’ll understand the investment is not measured in money or resources because there’s absolutely no theory, just proven, moneymaking strategies.

You already know whether or not you want to move forward and work with us to implement the business building strategies that have worked for many businesses to double, triple and in some cases quadruple their incomes.

Do you have the following qualities in you and your business:

* You run an honest and ethical business dedicated to living better business lives with better end results year after year
* You manage a truly results-oriented business with commitment to after-sale follow-up and service, (not just good business strategies, they’re critical in determining your bottom line)
* You offer products and/or services that are high quality and truly beneficial to the purchaser/end user
* You are totally committed to your business vision, desire and attitude to make your business the one that dominates the market…

If this sounds like you and you would like your business to be considered for this opportunity, please contact us now.

Simply fill in your details below so that we can show you exactly how you can leverage the latest most powerful online marketing strategies that most businesses will never know or understand!

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