About Us

About Us

John Mignano

John Mignano

Hello, I trust you’ll appreciate the fact we’re all in business, may I take a moment to remind you as to why you got into business in the first place.

I’m a business development specialist, marketing strategist, business coach, author and publisher with 20 years of business experience under my belt…

Yet it wasn’t always that way. It took twelve long years of study and “failing fast” to figure out how to run a real moneymaking business and to enjoy the wealth with more freedom and lifestyle options from business success…

Reaching the goal of owning a lifestyle business that is profitable, makes money on demand, (doesn’t force me to work harder, 7 days), and having more time off…frankly, this kind of peace of mind, no amount of money should be able to buy.

But you can. Let’s get back to where this story begins once upon a time when I was in my late teens and early twenties.

Back when business was moving with slow and evry step was a learning curve…staggering at the same time.

Allow me explain… why it was hardly the image of the rich and famous, you know the go-getter type, high-flyer successful business owner you see on T.V and the covers of business magazines, etc…

Well, on the surface, life appeared almost too perfect.

A happy loving relationship, and a very strong, actually thriving Specialised Fitness, Medical and Pilates equipment manufacturing business. I was also investing the profits back into real estate and trading shares on the stock exchange.

Little by little, the stress became my worse enemy…

In my mind…the personal and professional life began to wear me down.

During a single three-year period most of the days were spent putting out fires, you know, trying hard to keep the business running, fulfilling orders, marketing, handling client support, scrambling to meet payroll, etc…

The first example is good. Rather than allowing this to slow me down, I kicked myself into higher gear. I became a high rolling entrepreneur making lots of money.

So, just let me pull back the curtain on my business and quality of lifestyle back when I was a Super Engineer, Super Geek, and Super Coach…willing to juggle more and more clients, teaching students, and then rushing madly from one endless task to another.

And if all that wasn’t enough…if you have ever tried to live the entrepreneurial dream, then you probably know exactly what I’m talking about, makes sense?

This one is hot off the press; because it began with no business plan and high expectations only to end up feeling totally broke and exhausted.

In other words…worn out and I had trouble thinking or sleeping.

Then I spent a lot of time getting lost, reckless and frustrated. I remember it like it was yesterday… my head was overfilled with way too many ideas…aching at the end of another long day popping pills for headaches.

Finally, I had to shut down emotionally and physically. It also meant my business had to shut down because I couldn’t put up with any more stress or workload. It all came to a head for me about five years ago…

It’s one of those real lessons in life, a tranforming moment that gets etched inside your head and heart forever. I’d get dizzy and feel like I was going to faint thinking about it.

To be straight, I knew eventually there would be enough success to outweigh the failures.

At the time I certainly didn’t want to face the truth, so I’d sit in silence, followed by periods of isolation and depression, and then the anger wondering how I would ever get through the tough challenges.

But you know what? I love my life today and I feel better and better.

Yes, I dug myself out of that deep black hole and went back to being a peak performer.

In the process, I persisted to discover my strengths, passion and mission in life. To help people with success too.

If you’re a business owner, I’d like to help you get clear about your lifestyle business, the time and money freedom you want to really enjoy the life and fun you deserve. And to do it with integrity.

There are simple, practical solutions that don’t take a lot of time or even break the bank.

And those are the effective solutions I’d like to share with you, starting right now.

Will you allow me help you get better organised, put the lifestyle business plan with profit systems in place to increase your income, and reach your goals to make more money with accelerated results, and enjoy more free time?

Will you let me help you get clear about your lifestyle business:

  • Analyse your business strategies and current operations Identify your strengths and weaknesses for improvement and growth
  • Help you access world-class business tools, processes and technology
  • Streamline your business management systems, sales, cash flow, and revenue strategies
  • Dealing with procrastination, information overload and getting through the uncertain energy blocks
  • Focusing on results, what’s important right now to move you forward in an aligned, confident and energized space
  • How to handle creating money and cash flow faster while still keeping in mind a strategic vision which fits in with your lifestyle business plan
  • Time Management and why you should focus on what earns you the most money, (ROI)
  • How to get more done in less time, you don’t have to get everything done on your own
  • How to tell if your business is doing what you want it to do
  • Better planning, leveraging other peoples skills, outsourcing and putting teams together
  • And much more…

We strive to provide proven systems that allow smart, yet overwhelmed business owners to quickly strengthen profitability, eliminate wasted effort, so you make more money, spend less time in the office, and enjoy more time on vacation, while your business runs and grows with amazing efficiency!

Yours in continued success,

John Mignano

CEO – web-siteoptimisation.com

P.S. We strive to have a long lasting positive impact on streamlining your operations, the profitability of your business and improving the quality of your life by enjoying more time off.

Please feel free to share with business owners, friends and colleagues who also want to make more profits, to enjoy more time off and to grow their businesses…they’ll thank you for inviting them.

We can’t wait to hear of your success! Please feel free to drop us a personal note and let us know how you are doing. Talk with you soon!

HOW to Get Targeted Traffic To Your Website Anytime You WANT!

Internet Marketing – Good News For Business Owners.

John Mignano

John Mignano

What every business owner needs is consistent targeted website traffic all the time.

Do you want your website to continue getting more traffic all the time?

And even though there are so many methods to generate traffic, it’s worth it if you’re wanting to do effectively at the same time.

A few proven traffic generation techniques can actually get more results than if you follow many internet marketing strategies at the same time.

The first and foremost way to generate traffic is to optimize your website with search engines.

Your website is really missing out if you don’t effectively use search engine optimization as an ongoing promoting tool.

Every piece of content you add to your website should be taken into consideration according to search engine optimization. You can do it with  keyword research.

You can use social marketing for generating traffic to your website. It is a relatively new way of online marketing for local businesses.

There is a growing number and ever expanding list of websites out there that you can use for driving a lot of targeted traffic.

The key is to use this technique properly and effectively.

You can create your account on any of the social marketing websites and find or run a community that is interested in your niche.

When you connect with people on a social level, they begin to trust you and will be more comfortable with buying your products or using your service eventually.

You can also use online videos for marketing your website. If you don’t use online video marketing yet, you’re really missing out on a lot of traffic.

There is no doubt in the popularity of online videos as well as in the effectiveness of getting the right kind of targeted traffic.

Online videos are also very good with ranking on search engines. You can often see videos on the first page of Google results. This could be your video.

Press releases also generate a lot of traffic to your website and very fast.

And even though press releases are not free to send out anymore, spending little money is worth letting people know about your website.

If you press release is picked up by a website which is listed in the search engine for your keywords, you’ll get lots of backlinks and targeted traffic.

There are many more internet marketing tactics that you can use. The above online marketing are some of the most effective ways of generating traffic.

What if you really want your website to get a lot of profits and to succeed in your online business?

It is not that difficult to use these online marketing techniques, yet will make a big difference to your online business success.

Consistent number of visitors equals big income…how to increase web site traffic?

Answer, you want to understand why you need the right kind of website traffic! Make search engine traffic part of your internet marketing plan.

The goal is to increase the revenue from your products online and generate a constant FLOW of sign-ups and sales with ease:

  • How to save money on costly or ineffective advertising
  • Save time and stress by testing and tracking your advertising
  • Easily build a list of subscribers you can contact over and over again
  • Generating cash flow (or make money) on demand
  • Repeat again and again to succeed in any market
  • Easy to scale up to massive proportions for huge profits…

This is priceless in your marketing.

We will go over your websites with a fine tooth comb revealing the deadliest mistakes and how to fix them quickly and easily.

Once you see where most people go wrong, you’ll know with confidence what not to do, saving you time and money.

Is targeted, inexpensive traffic getting harder and harder to find these days?

You’re probably thinking, what is the secret for generating big sales…

Ready for the secret?

To generate loads of money you have to offer unique content. Content is the “rocket fuel” secret in Internet marketing success.

In fact, in regards to products is it difficult to generate money on a recurring basis without unque content…

Of course that depends, yes and no…if you believe what you want to hear or read. Yes, if you know what you’re doing. No, if you follow and do what most people do.

You see…

Real results require relentless focus and consistent actions with outsdie of the box thinking and of course time and money. Period.

When it comes to getting a website for your business you want to make
certain that you get things right.

The very last step you want to do is waste your hard-earned dollars on a sub-standard website that no one ever finds.

Even if they do find it, it couldn’t persuade anyone to buy a loaf of bread even if they were starving.

Firstly, you need to know what to do in order to get your website attracting ready-to-buy leads or prospects.

What generates new leads and helps you to sell more of their products and services on the Internet?

Mistake # 1 Choosing the Wrong Domain Name

FACT: Most business domain names are not using the right keyword for their
market.  Not to mention, most domains are dead, dull and boring and give no
clue whatsoever as to what the website offers…

TIP: You should choose a domain name that ‘Instantly’ tells people “where
you are and what you do” or simply, ‘what you do’ or… ‘what you have to offer them’

For example: www.WarburtonLawyers.com

When you see this domain you immediately know that it is a site for lawyers in Warburton.

For example: www.DrugFreeBodyBuildingSecrets.com

You immediately know this site, just by reading the domain name what to expect when you visit this site don’t you?

Other relevant factors to keep in mind:

  • Your domain name should be easy to spell and remember.
  • We also strongly recommend that you get a .com for global reach
  • You need to make sure that YOU own your domain name and NOT the website designers that you hire to register it for you
  • We suggest that you do market research
  • Use Google Keywords Tool to discover what people are looking for when they search for products and services
  • You want a domain name that incorporates a highly sought after keyword phrase for your industry…

Here is the link:


NOTE: We offer a very effective domain name research service.

We research terms people are using to find products and services that your business has to offer and suggests 3 to 5 available domain names.

Interested? Call John Mignano on (03) 5966-2531

What’s Your Current Website Design Saying About Your Business?

What Color Choices Really Say about You Marketing…Should You Choose Your Colors wisely?

John Mignano

John Mignano

Thousands of marketing website design hours have been put into researching the effects of color on people.

It has been discovered that website color has subconscious connotations and provokes emotional responses.

This makes website color scheme crucial in matching the colors you choose for your business.

What website colors are the right subconscious message you want to send to your customers?

Red is a dominant color, full of excitement and, in some cases, a little danger.

It’s associated with Stop signs, emergency equipment and performance sports cars.

Red can be hot, aggressive or passionate:

    * Bright Red: exciting, powerful, hot, sexy
    * Burgundy: rich, expensive, mature, delicious, elegant
    * Brick Red: earthy, warm, rustic
    * Terra Cotta: wholesome, warm, rustic, welcoming
    * Fuchsia: bright, sensual, exciting
    * Bright Pink: happy, spirited, youthful, trendy, wild
    * Light Pink: romantic, soft, feminine, babies, delicate
    * Dusty Pink: subtle, cozy, dusky
    * Mauve: subdued, sentimental, quiet

Violet is a deeper relative of Red, with subtle similarities with Blue. It has been used by royalty, religions, and political movements for its threads of authority and dependability.

Violet is mysterious, elegant, and thoughtful:

    * Red Purple: creative, unique, sensual, flamboyant
    * Blue Purple: spiritual, futuristic, mystical
    * Deep Plum: expensive, regal, powerful, elegant
    * Lavender: delicate, nostalgic, floral, sweet
    * Orchid: exotic, tropical, fragrant

Blue is cool, both in temperature and temperament. It is constant as the tides and as dependable as the sun rising in the sky every morning.

Blue has been a favorite shade of mortgage companies and banks for its dependable and trustworthy associations:

    * Navy: conservative, traditional, authority, professional, nautical, serene
    * Sky Blue: calming, happy, faithful
    * Light Blue: peaceful, water, clean
    * Teal: unique, classy, pleasing, rich
    * Turquoise: tropical, ocean, exotic
    * Aqua: cool, fresh, liquid, healing

Green is the color of life and growing things. It brings to mind all the vivaciousness associated with springtime and the outdoors.

Green also evokes thoughts of money and acceleration:

    * Dark Green: woodsy, trustworthy, traditional, money, restful
    * Olive: classic, military
    * Bright Green: fresh, foliage, Irish, lively, spring
    * Light Green: minty, calm, soothing, healthy
    * Bright Yellow-Green: slimy, sickening, gaudy, tacky, artsy, bold
    * Lime: tart, lively, refreshing, acidic, fruity

Yellow is a cheerful color, full of bright and happy associations. It brings to mind sunshine and light, and is associated with good feelings and good ideas.

One of the most popular uses of the color is in the enlightening Yellow Pages:

    * Bright Yellow: sunshine, cheerful, friendly, energy, luminous
    * Light Yellow: happy, soft, sunny, warm, sweet
    * Golden Yellow: harvest, rich, comforting, buttery
    * Greenish Yellow: lemony, tart, fruity, acidic

Orange is the hottest color, closer to the fire of Red than Yellow, but still friendly enough to be used in toy packaging.

Orange has autumn associations, but is also zesty and full of life:

    * Bright Orange: whimsical, childlike, happy, glowing, harvest, juicy, tangy, energizing, friendly, loud, fun
    * Peach: nurturing, soft, delicious, sweet, inviting, fuzzy

Brown may not seem like a dominant color at first, but its dependable and secure connotations have helped make UPS a household brand in America.

Brown is earthy, warm and rich:

    * Earth Brown: wholesome, woodsy, durable, secure, rustic, warm, rooted
    * Chocolate: rich, delicious
    * Beige: classic, neutral, soft, warm, sandy
    * Cream: smooth, soft, delicious, classic, warm, neutral
    * Taupe: practical, timeless, quality, basic, neutral

Black is the most powerful and classic of all the colors. It denotes expensive things, mystery and magic, prestige, elegance, and sobriety.

Black is a heavy color, and adds strength, boldness, and invulnerability to what it represents:

    * Charcoal Gray: professional, sophisticated, solid, mature, enduring, expensive
    * Neutral Gray: cool, corporate, practical, quality, timeless, quiet, ghostly

White is pure color, evoking innocence, cleanliness, and even sterility. It can also feel airy, bright, and lightweight.

Silver is a technical and futuristic color, but also shares the expensive and valuable associations with Gold.

Gold is warm where silver is cool, but offers prestige, radiance, and opulence as well. It is associated with money and wealth more readily than Silver.

What’s your current website design saying about your business?