Why Focus On High Conversion Rates and Landing Pages?

John Mignano
In addition to a well written and carefully planned web copy…
There are many critical components to take into consideration when writing website copy for a landing page that converts like gangbusters.
For example, it’s crucial to build a compelling case for a limited time offer.
Now, this is based on legitimate deadlines and of course you must constantly revise each week.
Here’s why…you want to guarantee your complete credibility in the shortest amount of time possible.
However, when planning your web copy, you want to make sure you encourage the reader to act as quickly as possible.
How do you do this?
Simple by inserting a number of “calls to action,” as I’ve mentioned previously.
You want to consider using an “exit grabber” or window pop up to create more urgency or to make a time-sensitive offer.
There are scripts you can use to create a countdown to build urgency (i.e., when someone arrives at your landing page, you can set the offer to expire in five minutes to purchase the product at the lowest price, etc).
If you’re creating a squeeze page you want to employ slightly different tactics.
Rather than building a compelling case with multiple triggers and calls to action over the course of 1000 words, you want to simply condense that all into a compelling headline and one paragraph of compelling benefits.
For a completely free-to-join squeeze page, you wont have a considerable amount of resistance to joining, unless the visitor:
a) Doesn’t see any benefits
b) Suspects that you will sell their email address to spammers
Both of these problems are relatively easy to overcome.
In your headline, simply state the exact benefits they will receive for joining.
In your first paragraph of website copy, give a compelling reason to join now (i.e., the price will increase by “X” amount of time, or opt-in list will be private, act now to get this amazing report).
Now, to overcome the second problems, simply include a short line under your email opt-in list (sign-up form) that explains that you will not under any circumstances spam or sell or give away their email address and name.
You should make creative use of popin and exit grabber windows.
You want to create a sense of urgency that overcomes obstacles and builds up a clear picture of the solution, defining benefit point with call to action.
If you use this landing page tactic in combination to a windows pop up just see what happens.
This way of presenting an offer has helped to increase landing pages and squeeze pages conversion rates of 20-30% even as high as 60%.
Now, let’s talk about why you don’t want to be spending a ton of money on design before you’ve even tested your offer.
If you don’t have any sense of how well an offer will perform, don’t go hiring designers to make you a great looking web site!
You have no idea if you’ll ever get a chance of seeing a return on that investment. Test the offer first with simple, no frills landing pages on a generic domain name.
If it breaks even or better, then you can think about possibly getting a dedicated domain name and maybe getting a better looking landing page.
Yes, you have to TEST!
Often, the worst looking pages can actually perform the best.
If a landing page looks too “slick” then people could get jumpy and put off, or if it’s too loaded with snazzy graphics and other moving images, it will distract them from taking cation.
You want want your leads or vistors to complete what it is you want, right?
It’s like putting blinders on a horse, just keep their focus where you want it, and don’t let them get distracted.
That’s part 1 of How to Create High Conversion Rate Landing Pages Without Selling!