How To Optimize Before Building Your Website!

John Mignano
What is website optimisation and what does a fully optimized website look like before it is actually built?
The information you’re about to read can help you increase the effectiveness of your web efforts and gain better search engine traffic (traction).
Overall you want to increase the visibility among the web search results on search engines.
Firstly, before we start it’s important to establish, the ideal website is not built from the outside in…
In other words, search engine optimization is part of your visual blueprint for effective Internet marketing.
You want to design your website from the inside out, starting with a solid foundation including easy navigation and visitor (user) friendly.
The basic concept is that you build an optimized website from the key concepts and core keywords.
The web pages support the keywords and relevancy, so the core theme never deviates from a tight focused connection to those related keywords.
Bear in mind, a business results oriented web designer is always focused on the target audience, the people that do the search.
The end result, the content should flow in a circular way of thinking because the keywords are a relentless integration of the website design.
That means the keywords with content provide a finely optimized website.
You would construct a perfectly optimized site in this order:
1. Plan the website.
Plan the website means determining the site’s purpose and end result in with a specific goal.
An optimized website can utilise more than one key purpose for example:
- Information or content based website
- Affiliate review based website
The purpose should always be tightly focused and relavant to the plan, this also means identifying and understanding your target audience.
2. Identify keywords.
Bottom line; the site’s main purpose should be build with the key concepts and keywords, an essential element in strategic marketing for the web.
Core keywords can be single descriptive words or phrases…
Generally you’d use three keywords at most…
For example:
” Website Optimization”, the core or root keywords and phrases used are website, site, optimization, optimisation, optimizer, optimizing and so on.
You use specific keywords for every page of your site – they might differ from the root keyword used to distill the subject matter of your entire site.
During the entire keyword research phase, you want to think about your target audience.
Allow me to explain…
Not only do you want to think as a topical demographic, you want to think as a searcher going into any search engine using certain keywords.
When you identify those “sweet-spot” keywords, you’ve identifed your ideal customers (target audience) and how they’ll find your website.
3. Register a domain.
Choose a domain name that targets root keyword.
4. Design the website.
Use spider-friendly core keywords within anchor text and all outgoing links on your pages.
5. Write relevant content based on specific keywords.
Content development is an ongoing process that starts at the design phase of your website.
6. Optimize content by keyword.
Embed keywords in your page’s text helps visitors and search engines understand the content quickly.
7. Tag the site.
Tagging means embedding keywords into important HTML tags that search engines’s spider observes.
The reality is very few webmasters deal with optimization issues from the very start.
Most people try to optimize after the design, and that’s why SEO professionals stay in business:
Look, it’s a lot more difficult to fix problems than avoid them.
No matter how you approach the whole process, improving optimization isn’t as difficult as it’s made out to be.
All you need is the core keywords with a sound page design, mixed with the right content development, good communication, and smart tagging.
This all translates to valuable online marketing, puts more customers in your database and more dollars in your bank account.
The right choice of keywords will drive better traffic to your website.
And increase conversion rates, plus maximize customer experiences that influences their decisions, generating greater value for your business.