How would you like to make more money with your PPC marketing and save money in the process?

John Mignano
Well, it’s all a matter of testing and tracking.
Niche marketing allows to to zero in and see what works best for you.
Step back from your regular ppc marketing efforts for a moment to explore a whole new dimension in this niche marketing strategy.
Just consider including niche targeting in your PPC mix.
Discover how you can:
- Raise your profits with niche PPC marketing
- Tap lower cost markets with long tail and sideways search
- Make money and save money with smarter targeting
Put these 5 ideas into action:
1. Use dynamic keyword insertion
Forget broad spectrum, you want to customise your ad and landing page to match the exact search query of the user, right?
Relevancy increases with strong Quality scores which can lower your bid costs.
2. Exploit long tail searches
Search terms containing 3 or more keywords are more specific.
Generally used by searchers ready to buy so there’s less competition (ie. Lower bid prices)
3. Use sideways searches
Research and test related search terms, where someone using a specific search query might also be interested in your product.
Eg. A company selling novelty cell phone covers could target users searching for new cell phones.
4. Create campaigns based on Domain variations
Internet users often enter URLs into the search box rather than the address bar.
They could be guessing a website, or entering a known URL into the search box by mistake.
In either case, you can take advantage.
5. Experiment with secondary (niche/meta) search engines
Some of these secondary search engines can bring you high quality, high conversion traffic (ie, you must test and track keyword performance).
And in the case of meta search engines the visitor is often specifically searching for your product and they’re ready to buy.
Catering to these types of searches is well worth your while.
You’ll enjoy significantly lower bid costs by targeting lower competition traffic, and you often attract quality traffic that converts at a bargain price.
Conversion rates and ROI usually increase as the searches become more specific.
So if you place yourself right in front of the viewer when they’re searching with these methods, you’re one step ahead of your nearest competitor.
Does this all sound good in principle?
Perhaps it means a little bit too much effort required?
If you’re smart you’ll not put this in the ‘too-hard’ basket.
Here’s why…the idea here is to use niche targeting.
You want to include long tail, sideways and domain searches with the use of expansion lists with the right mixing options.
Use the options so you can create matching ads and landing pages for every keyword.
Keep your costs down by controlling your budget right down to keyword and match type set-up options.
Make money with smarter targeting to attract qualified, higher converting traffic that’s ready to buy now.
Save money with niche targeting lower competition traffic at much lower bid costs.
Make money with smarter targeting to attract qualified, higher converting traffic that’s ready to buy now.
Save money with niche targeting (and market targeting) get results of lower competition traffic at much lower pay per click bid costs.
Why use PPC niche marketing combined with target marketing?
To make money and save money…