There’s absolutely no pay per click theory here, just the tested and refined, proven pure sales and business boosting moneymaking strategies.

John Mignano
Boosting your adwords profit starts with getting better results…more people through your sales funnel, right?
In the same way product-focused content draws customers into your website or (a brick and mortar store)…
It’s all about creating laser focused ads attracting the right people (target audience) to your CPA offer.
Let’s look at how to effectively write compelling ads to boost your CTR with savvy profit tips:
- Increasing your profits by raising ad click-through-rates
- Improve your ad performance with great ad creative
Now you could already be enjoying reasonably good CTRs and a not-so-bad conversion rate.
However, if you don’t continually test and track, improve and optimize your ads, your ppc campaign could be losing you a lot of money.
How much money are you leaving on the table?
You’ll kick yourself when you realize how much profit you’re not seeing…
Writing a great ad is all about answering the question posed by the searcher’s query and answering in a relevant way.
For example:
If a user queries a search engine for ‘cheap overseas travel’, what ad is the best response to their query?
Ad headline: ‘Cheap Overseas Travel’ or ‘Travel and Accommodation’.
The ad that’s closest to what they want will win the click, right?
So how do you create high-performance ads?
1. Understand your target audience search/buying pattern:
You just got to know who/where they are, why/how they search and what their needs and expectations are so you can better target your ads.
2. Know your competitors:
If you want an edge, take the time to research what your competitors offer.
Be aware what keywords they’re bidding on and what ads they use.
3. Compile strong keyword lists:
Keywords are the foundation on which your ads are built.
Keywords need to be focused and relevant.
4. Use eye catching and super relevant headlines:
PPC marketing is competitive so you need to stand out from the crowd.
5. Craft engaging ad text that attracts the user:
You want to clearly write benefit-focused text ads, and this includes users’ search terms, clearly states your offering and doesn’t abbreviate too much.
6. Make use of search engine features:
You should use geographic targeting and ad scheduling where appropriate.
This refines your ad targeting further which can save you a heap of money.
7. Qualify searchers with your ad text:
Attract customers that are ready to buy rather than just searching for info.
8. Offer Incentives or Promotional Offers:
You want to provide incentives to attract customers and distinguish yourself from competition, eg. Free Shipping Worldwide.
9. Include a clear and strong call to action:
You must be clear in what you expect a visitor to do.
(eg. ‘Buy Now’, ‘Sign up Today’)
10. Use correct URLs:
Test the URLS and make sure they work.
The destination URL must match the display URL.
Use sentence case in your display URL and include tracking ids in your destination URL.
11. Test and track your ads:
Testing and tracking is how you find out what’s successful and what’s not working.
Using the results, you can refine your ads and continually improve your CTRs to increase profits and turn around potential losses.
Tip: In your campaign settings, set the Ad Serving to Rotate (show ads more evenly), rather than Optimize (display better performing ads more often).
This is better for testing purposes as serving your ads evenly gives you a truer indication which ads are performing.
To win the PPC game you need to use dynamic keyword insertion to engage and win over your audience with super-relevant ads.
Create ad variations that engage in every possible way, multiplying into tonnes of relevant ads directly targeted to the user’s search query.
With all these real world proven strategies you can start writing great ads and stop losing money.
Strong, targeted ads pave the way to your landing page and growing profits, so the right landing pages follow through in serving users with relevant ads.
That’s how to boost your adwords click through rate and PPC profits…